- NZ and Australian trained physiologists
- International applicants
- Scopes of Practice for Clinical Physiologists
- Cardiac Physiology Registration
- Clinical Exercise Physiology Registration
- Neurophysiology Registration
- Respiratory Physiology Registration
- Renal Physiology
- Sleep Physiology
- Applying for Registration
- Fees and payments
Who can Register
Registration is open to any person who is a member of a recognized professional society within the fields of clinical physiology that are represented under the CPRB. These are:
- The Society of Cardiopulmonary Technology NZ Inc
- New Zealand and Australia Society of Renal Dialysis Practice
- Australia and New Zealand Society of Respiratory Science
- Australia & New Zealand Sleep Science Association
- Clinical Exercise Physiology New Zealand
- New Zealand Society for Neurophysiological Technologists
Registration will be by one or more Scopes of Practice. A Scope of Practice is defined in New Zealand legislation as the professional service the registrant is permitted to perform. For Clinical Physiologists the scope of practice can be registered in one or more of the following: cardiac; exercise; neuro; respiratory; renal; sleep
The CPRB has defined two categories of registration: Clinical Physiologist or Physiology Technician.
Registration is awarded to a clinical physiologist when the CPRB is satisfied that the applicant meets specific competencies for a professional Scope of Practice.
Registration is available to:
- Qualified clinical physiologists practicing in New Zealand.
- New graduate clinical physiologists practicing in New Zealand and undergoing appropriate professional development.
- Qualified and experienced clinical physiologists from other countries.
- Australian qualified and registered clinical physiologists.
Registration is not available to:
- New graduates in New Zealand who are not enrolled in appropriate post-graduate professional development programs as prescribed by their professional society.
- Overseas based clinical physiologists still in training.
- Clinical physiologists who have not first been accepted for membership of the relevant NZ professional society.
- Other health professionals performing physiologist roles without physiologist qualifications.
Registration with Conditions
Registration may be granted with: (1) No conditions to practice OR (2) Conditions to practice.
Examples of when conditions to practice are typically required are:
- when a clinical physiologist is still undergoing *professional development
- the physiologist trained under a historical program and has not been practicing continuously for over 5 years
- the physiologist begins practicing under a new scope of practice (e.g. changes from Respiratory to Sleep physiology) and requires professional development
- the physiologist is trained specifically in a limited part of a scope of practice
- was trained overseas and the board can't assess if their training is equivalent to the NZ minimum standard
- as part of a disciplinary remedial process
Example of conditions applied to practice:
- supervised practiced - undergoing professional development
- supervised practice - requires a competency assessment
- limited practice - practice limited to _____
*professional development means enrollment in a postgraduate qualification or certification program as prescribed by the relevant professional society
NZ registration flowchart

New Zealand registration flowchart