Name | APC Status | Scopes of Practice | Registration # |
Abdul, Jamal Basha | Lapsed (> 2 year) |
Renal |
211 |
Abubacker, Ameen | Current |
Renal |
212 |
Adams, Brett | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2015-414 |
Ahmad, Muhammad Sagheer | Non-resident - no APC |
Respiratory |
2017-61 |
Al-Janabi, Mustafa | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2013-369 |
Alaer, Marie | Current - with conditions |
Sleep |
2019-11 |
Alayan, Emilie | Resigned |
Renal |
2015-428 |
Albuerne, Christine Joy | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Sleep |
2022-59 |
Albuquerque Craveiro, Katia | Current |
Cardiac |
2022-21 |
Alexander, Janna | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2005-90 |
Alfred John, Jessy | Resigned |
Renal |
217 |
Ali, Ayesha | Current |
Sleep |
2019-47 |
Ali, Moyrah | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2018-08 |
Ali, Zaynah | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2022-23 |
Allan, Carol | Retired |
Cardiac |
1997-13 |
Allen, Rosemary | Retired |
Cardiac |
1997-18 |
Almeda, Justin Severino | Current - with conditions |
Sleep |
2022-02 |
Amalraj, Dianarajan | Current |
Renal |
2016-031 |
Anandan, Gayathri | Current |
Renal |
2022-41 |
Anderson, Mathew | Current |
Cardiac |
2014-398 |
Andres, Ceasar | Current - with conditions |
Sleep |
2017-60 |
Andrew, Emily | Current - with conditions |
Respiratory |
2023-42 |
Andy, Antonina | Resigned |
Sleep |
2022-15 |
Annadurai, Kaviya | Non-resident - no APC |
Renal |
2024-20 |
Anslow, Alison | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2015-405 |
Antonio, Mark | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2016-006 |
Antony-Pudumai, Noah | Current |
Cardiac |
2013-365 |
Aralar, Annie Rose | Current |
Cardiac |
2023-15 |
Archer, Emma | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2023-52 |
Armie, Dorina | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2007-183 |
Armstrong, Daniel | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2018-17 |
Armstrong, Julie | Current |
Cardiac |
2003-65 |
Arumugam, Paul | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2002-200 |
Askew, Joanne | Current |
Neurophysiology |
2017-50 |
Askin, Annabel | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Exercise |
2017-140 |
Augustine, Alvy | Current |
Renal |
2023-37 |
Avery, Cameron | Current - with conditions |
Respiratory |
2023-36 |
Axfeldt, Anna-Lena | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
1997-200 |
Azul, Lawrence Ace Matunan | Resigned |
Respiratory |
2020-19 |
Babu, Chithra | Current |
Renal |
2024-42 |
Babu Jolly House, Sabisha | Non-resident - no APC |
Renal |
2022-56 |
Baby, Prince | No APC |
Cardiac |
2022-30 |
Back, Geraldine | Current |
Respiratory |
2017-22 |
Badenhorst, Michiel | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Exercise |
2021-24 |
Badong, Thessa Marie | Current |
Cardiac |
2023-40 |
Bainbridge, Sarah | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2001-119 |
Baker, Mary Jane | Lapsed (> 2 year) |
Renal |
2015-427 |
Balakrishna Pillai, Prabhulal | Current |
Renal |
2019-14 |
Balakrishnan Mothilal, Manikandan | Resigned |
Renal |
128 |
Bamford, Tasha | Current |
Cardiac |
2020-08 |
Bandhara, Harsile | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2011-306 |
Bane, Clare | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2014-399 |
Barba, Joanallie | Current |
Renal |
2023-53 |
Barker, Barbara | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2003-105 |
Barnes, Glenda | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Sleep |
2007-215 |
Barton, Hilarey | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2012-345 |
Baskaran, Jayakumar | Current |
Renal |
2019-41 |
batth, ramandeep | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac |
2024-46 |
Baume, Jayne | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2009-260 |
Bayangos Sandhu, Cyril | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2019-38 |
Bayles, Michelle | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2007-213 |
Beach, Chloe | Current |
Exercise |
2022-64 |
Begic, Luka | Current - with conditions |
Respiratory |
2024-53 |
Bell, Aimee | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Sleep |
2022-66 |
Bell, Gaenor | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2017-29 |
Bell, Hazel | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2007-219 |
Benade, Kieran | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2012-325 |
Bennet, Cindy | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2004-61 |
Bennett, Andrea | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Respiratory |
2015-432 |
Bennett, Belinda | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2016-017 |
Besley, Emma | Current |
Sleep |
2020-02 |
Beukes, Vanessa | Current |
Cardiac |
2012-331 |
Biscaldi, Sheri | Current |
Respiratory |
2002-115 |
Bishop, Lauren | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2008-228 |
Bishop, Paula | Current |
Cardiac |
1997-40 |
Black, Lauren | Current |
Cardiac |
2015-404 |
Black, Melissa | Current - with conditions |
Respiratory |
2023-05 |
Black, Stephanie | Resigned |
Sleep |
2012-343 |
Blair, Anna | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2005-148 |
Blanch, Beatrice | Current - with conditions |
Sleep |
2022-29 |
Blaza, Ron Christian | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Respiratory |
2017-03 |
Boegel, Kelly | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2021-05 |
Bollen, Jill | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2007-184 |
Bongcac, Jessemarie | Current |
Sleep |
2017- 65 |
Boshoff, Amanda | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2013-370 |
Bowman, Samantha | Current |
Cardiac |
2007-213 |
Boyle, Pauline | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2005-93 |
Braddock, Fiona | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Respiratory |
2016-012 |
Bradley, Daniel | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
1997-201 |
Bradley, Samantha | Current |
Cardiac |
2019-24 |
Brady, Susan | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2007-223 |
Bray, Talane | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Renal |
222 |
Breakwell, Robynne | Current |
Cardiac |
1997-31 |
Breiding, Nicky | Current |
Respiratory |
2021-12 |
Brennan, James | Current |
Cardiac |
2021-21 |
Brett, Susan | Current |
Cardiac |
1999-192 |
Broome, Shelley | Retired |
Respiratory |
1999-104 |
Browitt, Stephen | Current |
Cardiac |
2013-358 |
Brown, Brenda | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac Sleep |
2001-200 |
Brown, Colleen | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2005-133 |
Brown, Jaimee | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Exercise |
2017-143 |
Brown, Samantha | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2021-32 |
Brown, Talia | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2013-351 |
Brown, Teresa | Current |
Neurophysiology |
2017-37 |
Brussee, Carmen | Current |
Respiratory |
2016-029 |
Buckingham, Kelly | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
Buckley, Belinda | Current |
Cardiac |
1997-3 |
Buckley, Marion | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2004-135 |
Buckley, Megan | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2003-200 |
Bunce, Fiona | Current |
Cardiac |
2016-010 |
Bunting, Alexander | Current |
Exercise |
2024-16 |
Burden, Stephen | No APC |
Exercise |
2017-124 |
Burgess, Karen | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Neurophysiology |
2017-31 |
Burke, Colin | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2002-99 |
Burke, Danielle | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2009-266 |
Burrows, Helen | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2018-34 |
Burrows, Mark | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2004-56 |
Burrows, Megan | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2006-161 |
Busby, Kerry | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
1999-201 |
Cadenhead, Jessica | Current |
Exercise |
2022-01 |
Cadogan, James | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2009-278 |
Cahill, Holly | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2023-34 |
Calian, Delia | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2013-363 |
Callangan, Al-Chester | Current - with conditions |
Sleep |
2024-49 |
Calleja, Arren Bleu | Current - with conditions |
Sleep |
2021-31 |
Calvert, Hayley | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Sleep |
2023-02 |
Cameron, Melanie | Current |
Cardiac |
2017-09 |
Campbell, Angela | Current |
Sleep |
2004-47 |
Caroline, Morales | Current |
Cardiac |
2021-20 |
Carroll, Brooke | Current - with conditions |
Respiratory |
2020-22 |
Carter, Gareth | Current |
Exercise |
2022-44 |
Cashell, Samantha | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2022-14 |
Chambers, Janelle | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2008-241 |
Chan, Jessebel | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Respiratory |
2021-06 |
Chandra, Amit | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2006-170 |
Chandra, Shivangi | Current - with conditions |
Sleep |
2023-09 |
Chang, Celestina | Current |
Cardiac |
2013-352 |
Chapman, Anna | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2008-229 |
Chapman, Kylie | No APC |
Exercise |
2017-151 |
Charleton, Erin | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2010-294 |
Chataline, Alla | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2003-60 |
Chen, Janet | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
1997-202 |
Chikavhanga, Unesu | Current |
Cardiac |
2017-015 |
Choi, Hye Jeon | Current |
Cardiac |
2016-004 |
Clarke, Ilaise | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Sleep |
2001-174 |
Clarke, John (Jack) | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2015-411 |
Cochran, Yvonne | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
Coertze, Karen | Current |
Sleep |
2014-397 |
Coley, Karl | Current |
Cardiac |
2014-389 |
Collie, Hamish | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Respiratory |
2019-37 |
Collings, Lisa | Current |
Cardiac |
2019-48 |
Collingwood, Andrew | Current |
Respiratory |
2017-70 |
Collins, Chris | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2017-73 |
Conway, Kerry | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
1997-19 |
Cooke, Heather | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
Cooke, Rowena | Current |
Neurophysiology |
2017-39 |
Cookey, Mietamuno | Current |
Cardiac |
2018-38 |
Cookson, Beth Rosemary | Retired |
Renal |
117 |
Cooney, Annelise | Current |
Cardiac |
2021-13 |
Cooper, Denise | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2005-103 |
Cooper, Lisa | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2008-240 |
Corble, Catherine | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Sleep |
2009-275 |
Costa, Graciela | Current |
Exercise |
2024-18 |
Cotton, Jodi | Current |
Cardiac |
2013-367 |
Couling, Danni | Resigned |
Exercise |
2022-50 |
Craig, William | Current |
Respiratory |
2022-63 |
Cranko, Monique | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2020-24 |
Cranston, Jan-Marie | Current |
Cardiac |
2005-102 |
Crawford, Jackie | Current |
Cardiac |
1997-4 |
Croom, Amy | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2007-188 |
Crowley, Susan | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
Cumming, Tracey | Current |
Cardiac |
1997-207 |
Cummins, Sarah | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2012-347 |
Curac, Anna | Current |
Cardiac |
2012-348 |
Curtis, Michelle | No APC |
Respiratory |
2015-449 |
D'Ath, Vikki | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2009-262 |
Dabla-Joshi, Kamini | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac |
2024-25 |
Dabner, Lauren | Current |
Cardiac |
2020-21 |
Dai, Lili | Current |
Exercise |
2022-31 |
Dallimore, Justine | Current |
Neurophysiology |
2017-42 |
Dalrymple, Michael | Current |
Cardiac |
2016-038 |
Darlington, Sonia | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
1997-68 |
Davy-Snow, Suzanne | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2012-337 |
Dawson, Janna | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Exercise |
2017-154 |
Dawson, Liane | Current |
Cardiac |
1997-151 |
Day, Victoria | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2002-67 |
de Bruijn, Karen | Current |
Cardiac |
1997-127 |
De Seymour, Nicola | Current |
Cardiac |
2015-405 |
DEAN, MELANIE | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac |
2006-156 |
Deep, Aashna | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2020-25 |
Denekamp, Sharron | Current |
Cardiac |
2001-84 |
Denman, Bethan | Current |
Cardiac |
2022-37 |
Denton, Cherize | Current - with conditions |
Sleep |
2023-43 |
Desai, Aalia | Current |
Exercise |
2017-155 |
Devaraj, Madhivanan | Current |
Renal |
2021-39 |
Devine, Vicky | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2003-25 |
Devlet, Rosanna | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
Dew, Georgina | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2001-129 |
Dewhurst, Angela | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2003-197 |
Dhanaraj, Prabhakaran | Current |
Renal |
209 |
Dharmasena, Mahesh | Non-resident - no APC |
Cardiac |
2023-29 |
Dickins, Nicole | On hold (Parental Leave) |
Exercise |
2017-149 |
Diongzon, Grace | Current |
Renal |
2024-43 |
Djohari, Ricky | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2009-268 |
Dodd, Jack | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2017-67 |
Dodson, Tessa | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac |
2024-17 |
Doherty, Sandra | Current |
Exercise |
2022-43 |
Dona, Dianne | Current - with conditions |
Sleep |
2022-36 |
Donaldson, Cara | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac |
2024-11 |
Donnolley, Alexander | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2018-20 |
Dorairaj Kirubakaren, Persia | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Renal |
141 |
Doss, Fredric Susil | Current |
Renal |
101 |
Doss, Mangala | Current |
Renal |
208 |
Douglas, Cathy | Retired |
Respiratory Sleep |
1999-116 |
Dredge, Kelly | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2008-252 |
Dreyer, Lukas | Current |
Exercise |
2017-138 |
Dreyer, Sonja | Current |
Exercise |
2017-137 |
Du Toit, Lise | Current - with conditions |
Sleep |
2024-32 |
Dulficar, Fazla | Current |
Respiratory |
2023-07 |
Dunlop, Holly | Current - with conditions |
Respiratory |
2024-28 |
Dunne, Andrew | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2023-22 |
Dunroy, Helen | Current |
Respiratory |
2020-01 |
Durbin, Lynette | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2009-272 |
Dvorackova, Karolina | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2017-72 |
Dwivedi, Susmita | Current |
Renal |
221 |
Dyer, Anna | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
Dymond, Sandra | Current |
Cardiac |
2018-05 |
Eagle, Keren | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
Eaglen, Anthony | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2008-232 |
Earl, Heather | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2003-52 |
Eastwood, Raewyn | Retired |
Cardiac |
2005-113 |
Ebuen, Elmer | Current |
Cardiac |
2017-014 |
Edmonds, Simon | Current |
Sleep |
2020-28 |
Edward, Gloria | Current |
Neurophysiology |
2017-49 |
Edwards, Debbie | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2004-16 |
Edwards, Kara | Current |
Cardiac |
2001-5 |
Elete, Vinod | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
Elliot, Heather | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac Respiratory |
2005-139 |
Elliott, Donna | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
Elliott, Tyler | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Exercise |
2017-122 |
Ellyett, Kevin | Current |
Respiratory |
2003-209 |
Emperado, Trisha | Resigned |
Sleep |
2018-33 |
Enfield, Mitchell | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2014-376 |
English, Sandra | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
Epton, Yvonne | Current |
Sleep |
2019-25 |
Ersando, Pius | Current |
Sleep |
2023-32 |
Estrada, Sherry | Lapsed (> 2 year) |
Renal |
123 |
Evans, Gemma | Current |
Respiratory |
2024-51 |
Fabic, Jogi | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2008-236 |
Fanolua, Pisila | Lapsed (> 2 year) |
Renal |
220 |
Farndon, Kathleen | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
Faulkner, Penelope | Current |
Sleep |
1999-130 |
Feierabend, Evie | Current |
Exercise |
2017-148 |
Ferguson, Lynne | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2011-301 |
Figueira, Luis | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Neurophysiology |
2017-45 |
Filsell, Sue | Current - with conditions |
Respiratory Sleep |
2008-221 |
Finnie, Wendy | Current |
Cardiac |
1999-28 |
Fitzjohn, Frances | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
Flaws, Lianne | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
Fleming, Victoria | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2009-263 |
Fletcher, Jeannie | Retired |
Cardiac |
1997-144 |
Flinn, Chloe | Current |
Sleep |
2020-18 |
Flynn, Una | Current |
Cardiac |
2015-401 |
Folu, Rachel | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac |
2024-26 |
Fong, Denise | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
1999-199 |
Fontinha, Hanna | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Sleep |
2020-35 |
Foo, Tracy | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Respiratory |
2019-36 |
Foreman, Josh | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Respiratory |
2017-58 |
Forrest, Julie | Current |
Cardiac |
2016-024 |
Forrester, Fiona | Current |
Cardiac |
2019-39 |
Forsyth, Mallory | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2010-290 |
Forward, Nikola | Current |
Respiratory |
2018 - 07 |
Foster, Tania | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
Fountain, Rachel | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2001-75 |
Fowler, Marina | Current |
Cardiac |
2002-87 |
Fowlie, Kieran | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac |
2023-33 |
Frame, Nic | Current |
Sleep |
2019-42 |
Francis, Daniel | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Renal |
121 |
Frankish, Kim | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2006-168 |
Fransch, Chelseigh | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac |
2023-28 |
Fredrick, Jason Samuel | Non-resident - no APC |
Renal |
2022-45 |
French, Renelle | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2001-39 |
Friel, Jacqueline | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Respiratory |
2005-50 |
Fulton, Fiona | Current |
Respiratory |
2015-418 |
Gabiosa, Ronald R. | Current - with conditions |
Sleep |
2024-47 |
Gabrielsen, Glenn | Current |
Cardiac |
2021-43 |
Gain, Kevin | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
Gardiner, Nicola | Current |
Cardiac |
2003-86 |
Gatland, Rachel | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
Geary, Angela | Current |
Cardiac |
2009-261 |
George, Jerin | Current - with conditions |
Renal |
2023-30 |
George, Jerred Eisonower | Current |
Renal |
144 |
George, Jino | Current |
Renal |
501 |
George, Sherin | Current |
Renal |
2018-22 |
George, Sonia Mary | Current |
Renal |
2022-46 |
Gersen, Mies | Retired |
Neurophysiology |
2017-41 |
Gideona, Miriama | Current |
Cardiac |
2004-10 |
Glasson, Kerren | Resigned |
Cardiac |
1999-9 |
Glossop, Kim | Current |
Cardiac |
2007-217 |
Gnanasekaran, Safiya Fathima | Lapsed (> 2 year) |
Renal |
2019-29 |
Goedhart, Janey | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Exercise |
2017-104 |
Goggin, Catherine | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2008-251 |
Golding, Sara | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
Goodwin, Kim | Current |
Cardiac |
1997-65 |
Gordon, Daniel | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Exercise |
2017-159 |
Goulet, Crystal | Resigned |
Respiratory |
2016-016 |
Govindsamy, Amerson | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac |
2021-15 |
Graham, Ella | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2020-07 |
Grant, Gavin | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
Greenslade, Judith | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2001-44 |
Greer, Jordain | Current |
Respiratory |
2021-02 |
Gregory, Stephen | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Respiratory |
2017-66 |
Griffin, Helen | Current |
Cardiac |
2013-368 |
Groombridge-Dohan, Stephanie | On hold (Parental Leave) |
Cardiac |
2017-64 |
Gucor, Mary Nadine | Current - with conditions |
Sleep |
2023-35 |
Guglietta, Emma | Current |
Cardiac |
2004-78 |
Guzman, Benjamin | Current - with conditions |
Sleep |
2023-23 |
Gwynne, Dale | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2005-142 |
Hammington, Nicolas | Current |
Cardiac |
2012-329 |
Hammond, Sarah | Current |
Cardiac |
2012-322 |
Hampson, Debra | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac Respiratory |
2005-106 |
Hamwala, Magdalena | Current |
Cardiac |
2022-11 |
Hancock, Carla | Current |
Sleep Respiratory |
2005-145 |
Hannah-Brennan, Jessica | Current |
Cardiac |
2004-48 |
Hansen, Grant | Current |
Exercise |
2017-106 |
Hardiman, Jennifer | Current |
Cardiac |
2006-153 |
Harper, Catherine | Current |
Exercise |
2017-102 |
Harrington, Brydon | Current |
Cardiac |
2018-43 |
Harris, Kristina | On hold (Parental Leave) |
Cardiac |
2017-011 |
Harris, Lucinda | Current |
Cardiac |
2014-375 |
Harris, Scott | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2014-384 |
Harrison, Laura | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2020-10 |
Hawke, Wendy | Current |
Neurophysiology |
2017-30 |
Hawley, Ashleigh | Current |
Cardiac |
2015-444 |
Hay, Scott | Current - with conditions |
Respiratory |
2024-29 |
Hazaert, Rachel | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2015-448 |
He, Xiaodong | Current |
Renal |
130 |
Hearn, Lisa | Current |
Cardiac |
2001-14 |
Heinrich, Anton | Current |
Cardiac |
2007-185 |
Helem, Trudy | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2020-15 |
Hemsley, Tessa | Current |
Cardiac |
2015-406 |
Herridge, Mark | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2018-04 |
Hess, Karen | Current |
Respiratory |
2015-425 |
Hewitt, Abbey | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Exercise |
2019-09 |
Hidalgo, Rubenjie | Current - with conditions |
Respiratory |
2024-02 |
Hills, Helen | Current |
Sleep |
2006-171 |
Hinds, Halina | Current |
Cardiac |
2002-2 |
Hobman, Anna | Current |
Exercise |
2021-36 |
Hodges, Lynette | Current |
Exercise |
2023-20 |
Hodgins, Helen | On hold (Parental Leave) |
Cardiac |
2011-305 |
Hooper, Erin | Current |
Cardiac |
2004-11 |
Hopper, Sarah | No APC |
Respiratory |
2016-025 |
Howarth, Jesse | Current |
Cardiac |
2022-27 |
Hoyle, Rachel | Current |
Cardiac |
2015-443 |
Hudson, Natalie | Current |
Cardiac |
2015-402 |
Humby, Christina | Current |
Respiratory |
2019-16 |
Hunt, John | Current |
Cardiac |
2013-350 |
Hunter, Jodie | Current |
Respiratory |
2019-43 |
Hunter, Karl | Current |
Cardiac |
2015-441 |
Hussein, Alaa | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2013-356 |
Ihaia-Timlin, Terina | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2023-18 |
Imazu, Michinobu | Current |
Sleep |
2008-242 |
Inglis, Jennifer | Current |
Cardiac |
2007-181 |
Ingram, Emily | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Respiratory |
2015-408 |
Irvine, Susan | Current |
Cardiac |
2005-99 |
Jacklin de Carteret, John | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2018-32 |
Jacobsen, Kirsten | Current |
Cardiac |
2004-59 |
Jaffer Sathik, Abdul Basith | Current - with conditions |
Renal |
2022-54 |
Jagannathan, Balaji | Current |
Renal |
202 |
Jagvik, Courtney | Current |
Sleep |
2019-53 |
Jalil, Saleema | Current - with conditions |
Respiratory |
2017-25 |
James, Debi | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2001-53 |
James, Jency | Non-resident - no APC |
Renal |
2022-67 |
James, Shiffin | Current - with conditions |
Renal |
2024 - 01 |
Janse van Rensburg, Willem | Current |
Cardiac |
2019-30 |
Jarman, Krystle | On hold (Parental Leave) |
Cardiac |
2016-018 |
Jayakaran, Ravi | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Renal |
2014-318 |
Jayendrappa, Anilkumar | Current |
Cardiac |
2019-12 |
Jebakumar Noah, Melvin Noah | Current |
Renal |
2022-55 |
Jeevarathinam, Deborah | Current |
Renal |
207 |
Jelas, Jessica | Current |
Respiratory |
2018-21 |
Jenner, Casey | Current |
Respiratory |
2021-14 |
Jeong, HanGil | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2021-10 |
Jithin, Suni | Current |
Renal |
2024-41 |
Joe, Jordan | Current - with conditions |
Sleep |
2023-24 |
Johansen, Christine | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
1997-126 |
John, Lional | Current |
Renal |
2022-42 |
Johnson, Christian | Current |
Cardiac |
2024-05 |
Johnson, Godson | Current |
Renal |
137 |
Johnston, Ethan | Current - with conditions |
Respiratory |
2023-51 |
Jolly, Belinda | Current |
Cardiac |
2011-302 |
Jones, Caitlin | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2015-442 |
Jones, Courtnay | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2018-10 |
Jones, Paula | Current |
Cardiac |
2009-259 |
Jones, Sarah | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Respiratory |
2018-36 |
Jones, Solomon | Current |
Renal |
2015-403 |
Jose, Anto | Current |
Renal |
2022-13 |
Joseph, Margret vincy seelia | Current |
Renal |
2024-50 |
Joseph, Reufus | Current |
Renal |
215 |
Joseph, Sushil | Current |
Renal |
136 |
Kabir, Nadia | Current |
Renal |
2016-034 |
Kalliyat Panoli, Beenash | Current |
Renal |
2023-38 |
Kansara, Priti | Current |
Respiratory |
2017-59 |
Kaptein, Veronica | Current |
Neurophysiology |
2017-43 |
Karam, Erin | Current |
Exercise |
2024-15 |
Katipa, Leanne | Current |
Cardiac |
2003-152 |
Katyal, Pooja | Current |
Neurophysiology |
2017-48 |
Kaur, Gurpreet | Current |
Renal |
2016-030 |
Kaur, Kanwal | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Exercise |
2019-01 |
Kean, Frances | On hold (Parental Leave) |
Cardiac |
2017-04 |
Keighley, Samantha | Current |
Cardiac |
2021-38 |
Kelly, Brooke | Current |
Respiratory |
2015-436 |
Kelly, Paul | Current |
Respiratory |
2019-27 |
KERR, Elizabeth | Current - with conditions |
Sleep |
2024-03 |
Khan, Aiysha | Current |
Respiratory |
2022-38 |
Khan, Mahrukh | Current |
Cardiac |
2021-37 |
Khan, Sadiqa | Current |
Cardiac |
2006-134 |
Kim, Kayeon | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac |
2023-21 |
Kishore, Kanak | Current |
Cardiac |
2005-98 |
Knarston, Kirsty | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac |
2023-14 |
Knoetze, Duvan | Resigned |
Exercise |
2017-141 |
Kodla, Ramesh | Current |
Renal |
109 |
Kuddus, Ayesha | Current - with conditions |
Respiratory |
2022-65 |
Kumar, Anita | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Exercise |
2017-157 |
Kumar, Rajeev | Current |
Renal |
139 |
Kumar, Sheena | Current |
Cardiac |
2022-60 |
Kumar, Sonika | Current |
Cardiac |
2017-07 |
Lai, Wilson | Current |
Sleep |
2017-68 |
Lakshman, Baskar Reddy | Lapsed (> 2 year) |
Renal |
102 |
Lancaster, JoBeth | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac Respiratory |
2015-429 |
Langbridge, Jessica | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Sleep |
2019-46 |
Lardenoye, Mandy | Resigned |
Respiratory |
2019-23 |
Lau, Tsan Fung | Non-resident - no APC |
Cardiac |
2015-419 |
Laurenson, Jacinta | Current |
Cardiac |
2024-04 |
Laursen, Jessica | Current |
Cardiac |
2016-037 |
Lawson, Tracey | Current |
Cardiac |
2008-244 |
Lean, Fiona | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2008-254 |
Leary, Benjamin | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac |
2024-37 |
Lee, Jayden | Current |
Respiratory |
2024-30 |
Lee-Pahl, Eisleen | Current |
Cardiac |
2018-02 |
Leslie, Rosheen | Current |
Cardiac |
2019-34 |
Lewis, Amy | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac |
2024-31 |
Lewis, Jill | Retired |
Neurophysiology |
2017-54 |
Li, Xue Ling | Current |
Renal |
118 |
Lim, Kyung Ran | Current |
Renal |
2016-032 |
Lim, Sarath | Current |
Renal |
143 |
Lim, Sojeong | Current |
Renal |
2016-033 |
Lingan, Pretzel Demi | Current |
Cardiac Sleep |
2018-15 |
Lipski, Mark | Current |
Cardiac |
2003-66 |
Lockwood, Colleen | Current |
Sleep |
2009-265 |
Logie, Alicia | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Exercise |
2021-34 |
Lorilla, Christopher Jeffrey | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Sleep |
2019-15 |
Lorilla, Rosemarie | No APC |
Sleep |
2019-13 |
Lowe, Hannah | Current |
Exercise |
2017-107 |
Lucas, Brooke | Current |
Cardiac |
2017-012 |
Lutzenberger, Robyn | Current - with conditions |
Respiratory |
2023-56 |
Maas, Keri | Current |
Cardiac |
2008-249 |
MacKay, Jessie | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Exercise |
2022-47 |
Mackin, Gareth | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2020-34 |
Macpherson, Catherine | Current - with conditions |
Sleep Neurophysiology |
2022-62 |
Madigan, Niall | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2020-39 |
Madon, Morag | Current |
Cardiac |
2002-85 |
Mahon, Abbey | Current - with conditions |
Respiratory |
2021-26 |
Majola, Khethukuthula | Non-resident - no APC |
Cardiac |
2019-44 |
Majurey, Merrhis | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Sleep |
2018-18 |
Mani, Sujatha | Current |
Renal |
127 |
Mann, Mandeep | Current - with conditions |
Sleep |
2023-01 |
Marasigan, Maria Rita | Current |
Neurophysiology |
2017-36 |
Marigondon, Merrilee | Current |
Renal |
2024-45 |
Marshall, Kirsten | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac |
2023-25 |
Martens, Norah | Current |
Cardiac |
1997-208 |
Mastronardi, Angela | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Neurophysiology |
2017-71 |
Mathew, Dennis | Current |
Renal |
2022-17 |
Maweu, Geoffrey | Current |
Neurophysiology |
2023-31 |
Maxim, Michael | Current |
Cardiac |
2013-354 |
May, Tracy | On hold (Parental Leave) |
Sleep |
2017-40 |
Mc Cabe, Veronique | On hold (Parental Leave) |
Cardiac |
2020-32 |
McBride, Ryan | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac |
2022-28 |
McCann, Lauren | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2020-40 |
McDonald, Jordan | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac |
2022-05 |
McDonnell, Angela | Current |
Neurophysiology |
2017-46 |
McFelin, Amy | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac |
2023-26 |
McGrath, Meghan | Current |
Cardiac |
2014-374 |
Mcilraith, Bridget | Current |
Cardiac |
2012-319 |
McIlvride, Michael | Resigned |
Exercise |
2019-06 |
McIntosh, Chantelle | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2017-153 |
McKenzie, Madison | Current |
Exercise |
2023-55 |
Mckenzie, Sara | Current |
Cardiac |
2011-309 |
McKoy, Mabel | Current |
Cardiac |
2005-112 |
Mclennan, Sarah | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2012-330 |
McManus, Fiona | Current |
Cardiac |
2023-03 |
McMillan, Natalie | Current |
Respiratory |
2015-446 |
Mcnamara, Silvia | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2012-340 |
McNaught, Nicola | Resigned |
Respiratory Sleep |
2004-131 |
McQuoid, Madison | Current |
Exercise |
2023-11 |
McWilliams, Jodie | Non-resident - no APC |
Cardiac |
2022-49 |
Meikle, George | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2019-26 |
MELAKU, AZMERA | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac |
2024-23 |
Melethil, Mohamed Juraij | Current - with conditions |
Renal |
2023-06 |
Merritt, Jordan | Current |
Respiratory |
2021-44 |
Miguel, Belinda | Current |
Sleep |
2021-17 |
Miller, Davinia | Current |
Respiratory |
2023-41 |
Miller, James | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Sleep |
2020-09 |
Mills, Jevan | Resigned |
Exercise |
2024-19 |
Milmine, Vikki | Current |
Cardiac |
2003-8 |
Milne, Caitlin | Current |
Exercise |
2021-04 |
Milne, Margaret | Current |
Cardiac |
2005-74 |
Mitchell, Jared | Current - with conditions |
Respiratory |
2024-38 |
Mitchell, Kareen | Current |
Sleep |
2017-55 |
Mohamed Nizar, Abdul Majit | Current |
Renal |
214 |
Mohammed, Mownuddin | Current |
Renal |
113 |
Monteiro, Elaine | Current |
Cardiac |
2019-33 |
Moon, Joshua | Current |
Cardiac |
2020-41 |
Morgan, Angela | Resigned |
Cardiac |
1999-200 |
Morris, Ewan | Current |
Respiratory |
2015-450 |
Morris, Jeremy | Current - with conditions |
Sleep |
2015-439 |
Morris-Jenkins, Melanie | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2009-281 |
Morrison, Cindy | Current |
Exercise |
2020-30 |
Morrison, Stephanie | Retired |
Cardiac |
1999-81 |
Mortemore, Thomas | Current |
Cardiac |
2014-373 |
Motufoua, Fetalaiga | On hold (Parental Leave) |
Cardiac |
2018-39 |
Motufoua, Motufoua | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac |
2003-69 |
Moulin, Shamara | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2005-146 |
Mudela, Sowmya | Resigned |
Sleep |
2022-12 |
Mullany, Jacqueline | Current - with conditions |
Respiratory |
2021-45 |
Muller, Anthony | Current - with conditions |
Respiratory |
2024-52 |
Mulligan, Deirdre | On hold (Parental Leave) |
Cardiac |
2016-005 |
Mummery, Simon | Current |
Cardiac |
2013-366 |
Munagala, Nizamuddin | Current |
Renal |
2016-001 |
Mundayangattu, Jithesh | Non-resident - no APC |
Cardiac |
2022-10 |
Nagarajan, Chinnaamani | Current |
Renal |
204 |
Nagel, Veronica | Current |
Cardiac |
2008-222 |
Naidoo, Nivashni | Current |
Cardiac |
2019-21 |
Nair, Sreejith | Current |
Renal |
402 |
Nand, Natasha | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac |
2024-14 |
Narayan, Renuma | Current |
Cardiac |
2020-11 |
Narayan, Shayal | Current - with conditions |
Sleep |
2024-24 |
Narla, Asha | Current |
Renal |
2018-41 |
Natarajan, Rathibala | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2015-430 |
Nattrass, Eleanor | Current |
Exercise |
2017-144 |
Nayager, Nelson | Current |
Cardiac |
2023-47 |
Neilson, Emily | Current |
Cardiac |
2024-09 |
Neilson, Stacey | Current |
Cardiac |
2001-158 |
Nisha, Famida | Current |
Sleep |
2020-33 |
Nolan, Gary | Retired |
Respiratory |
2021-29 |
Noyer, Gay | Current |
Cardiac |
2013-361 |
O'Leary, Patricia | Current |
Cardiac |
2004-36 |
O'Neill, Caitlin | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac |
2024-10 |
O'Reilly, Kate | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac |
2023-27 |
Odchigue, Maria Teresa | Current |
Cardiac |
2019-40 |
Ogbuehi, Makhanani | Current |
Neurophysiology |
2017-52 |
Oliver, Melissa | On hold (Parental Leave) |
Cardiac |
2016-011 |
Ooi, Szeying | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2017-010 |
Orsbourn, Graham | Current |
Cardiac |
2001-82 |
Orsbourn, Olivia | Current |
Cardiac |
2023-49 |
Owen-Brown, Stella | Current - with conditions |
Sleep |
2024-35 |
Owens, Diane | Current |
Cardiac |
2016-026 |
Pablo, Maria Luna | Current - with conditions |
Sleep |
2021-28 |
Pan, Lu | Current |
Renal |
2018-26 |
Panagoda, Sudath | Current |
Renal |
502 |
Pant, Ruchee | Current |
Renal |
2020-36 |
Paranthaman, Ramanathan | Current |
Cardiac |
2017-06 |
Parappurath, Niyas | Non-resident - no APC |
Sleep |
2024-08 |
Parata, Mia | Retired |
Cardiac |
2003-33 |
Parker, Craig | Current |
Respiratory |
2017-103 |
Parker, Johanna | Current |
Sleep |
2017-53 |
Patel, Nipa | Current - with conditions |
Respiratory Sleep |
2022-35 |
Patel, Punit | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Exercise Sleep |
2020-37 |
Patel, Rakesh | Current |
Exercise |
2021-35 |
Patel, Shivangkumar | Current |
Cardiac |
2019-10 |
Pathuvath mohammed ali, Mohsin | Current - with conditions |
Renal |
2023-45 |
Patino Mora, Rodrigo | Current - with conditions |
Respiratory |
2022-58 |
Pattni, Priya | Current |
Respiratory |
2013-371 |
Paxton, Shona | Current |
Cardiac |
2007-189 |
Pearce, Amy | Current |
Exercise |
2021-33 |
Pearson, Theodore | Current |
Cardiac |
2018-44 |
Pepper, Jannine | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2006-157 |
Pereparambil Johney, Santhosh | Lapsed (> 2 year) |
Renal |
129 |
Perston, Laura | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2006-169 |
Pienaar, Carlé | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2020-04 |
Pienaar, Hennie | Current |
Exercise |
2017-146 |
Pillay, Devina | Current |
Renal |
2019-22 |
Planca, Rhea Marie | Current |
Cardiac |
2022-18 |
Platt, Cathrin | On hold (Parental Leave) |
Exercise |
2017-142 |
Ploen, Laura | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Respiratory |
2015-407 |
Pont, Ashleigh | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac |
2024-21 |
Poovathinkal Sudarsanan, Aswathy | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2021-19 |
Postles, Emma | Current |
Cardiac |
2012-318 |
Poulose, Anoop | Current |
Renal |
2022-34 |
Poznanovic, Sanja | Current |
Cardiac |
2019-45 |
Pretorius, Regard | Lapsed (> 2 year) |
Renal |
2018-23 |
Prince Chellappa, Christopher Israel | Current |
Renal |
140 |
Pua, Rob | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac |
2024-12 |
Qays, Rezvi | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac |
2023-16 |
Quinlan, Audrey | On hold (Parental Leave) |
Respiratory |
2018-13 |
RAJ, SABARI | Non-resident - no APC |
Cardiac |
2023-46 |
Rajagopal, Nirmala Devi | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2018-45 |
Raju, Nikita | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2017-69 |
Ramesan, Akhil | Non-resident - no APC |
Renal |
2024-48 |
Ramji, Pratiksha | Current |
Sleep |
2023-04 |
Ramos, Danilo | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2017-016 |
Ranson, Courtenay | Current |
Respiratory |
2018-29 |
Rathinam Gobi, Gayathri Devi | Current |
Renal |
2022-03 |
Reader, Cathy | Current |
Respiratory |
2022-33 |
Reading, Joel | Current |
Cardiac |
2019-51 |
Rebadavia, Rowena | Current |
Sleep |
2018-06 |
Reddy, Manjunath | Current |
Renal |
125 |
Reddy, Rachel | Current |
Cardiac |
1999-20 |
Reed, Kathryn | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2018-03 |
Reyden, Megan | Current |
Exercise |
2019-03 |
Reyes, Mark | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2006-175 |
Rickman, Ellie | Current |
Exercise |
2017-156 |
Riddell, Fiona | Current |
Cardiac |
1997-7 |
Riddell-Cross, Taylor | Current |
Cardiac |
2019-18 |
Riddle, Sacha | Current - with conditions |
Respiratory |
2024-22 |
Robas, Andrew | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac |
2023-12 |
Robert, Jasline | Current |
Renal |
505 |
Roberts, Aimee | Current |
Cardiac |
2008-235 |
Roberts, Fiona | Current |
Cardiac |
2005-54 |
Robinson, Will | Current |
Cardiac |
2014-388 |
Robiony-Rogers, David | Current |
Respiratory |
2008-253 |
Robyns, Jemma | Current |
Respiratory Sleep |
2015-431 |
Rodrigues, Celestine | Current |
Renal |
219 |
Rogayan, Edlyn Mae | Current |
Sleep |
2022-19 |
Rogerson, Lisa | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2014-382 |
Ronke, Rebekah | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2011-313 |
Roper, Leo | Resigned |
Respiratory |
2022-06 |
Rossouw, Eloise | Current |
Exercise |
2021-30 |
Rossouw, Glynis | Current |
Cardiac |
2010-293 |
Rowlands, Avyn | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Exercise |
2017-109 |
Ruan, Yvonne | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac |
2023-44 |
Ruka, Ray | Current |
Cardiac |
2023-19 |
Saheb, Maahir | Current |
Renal |
103 |
Salim, Noor | Current |
Cardiac |
2021-40 |
Salmon, Sarah | Current |
Exercise |
2021-01 |
Sampang, Eivonne | Current - with conditions |
Sleep |
2024-07 |
Santamaria, Lawrence | Current |
Renal |
104 |
Santos, Camille | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Sleep |
2023-17 |
Sarath, Ragisha | Current |
Neurophysiology |
2017-51 |
Sawyers, Francisco | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Neurophysiology |
2017-33 |
Schimanski, Shaunaye | Current |
Cardiac |
2021-25 |
Schofield, Rebecca | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2014-380 |
Schuster, Raymond | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2021-16 |
Searby, Karen | Current |
Cardiac |
1997-206 |
Sears, David | Current |
Respiratory |
2018-30 |
Selvaraj, Joshava Jayavanth | Current |
Renal |
105 |
Semple, Heather | Current |
Cardiac |
2012-332 |
Senora, Leizl | Current - with conditions |
Neurophysiology |
2023-48 |
Sethi, Mehul | Current - with conditions |
Sleep |
2023-08 |
Seupule-Garrill, Toni-Marie | Current |
Neurophysiology |
2017-44 |
Sewell, Giuliana | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Exercise |
2019-07 |
Sexton, Jennifer | Current |
Cardiac |
2009-282 |
SHAJI, R | Current |
Renal |
2024-40 |
Shanahan, Christine | Current |
Cardiac |
1997-27 |
Shand, Kristine | Current |
Cardiac |
1997-12 |
sharma, NISHU | Current |
Renal |
2023-54 |
Sharma, Sreeni | Current |
Renal |
132 |
Shaw, Anthony | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Respiratory |
2009-276 |
Shawe, Esther Joelle | Current |
Cardiac |
2017-013 |
Sheahan, David | Current - with conditions |
Sleep |
2024-33 |
Sheikdawood Mohammed, Hassan | Current |
Renal |
2017-19 |
Shenoy, Manjunath | Current |
Respiratory |
2020-23 |
Sheppard, Deidre | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Sleep |
2006-173 |
Sherratt, Nicholas | Current - with conditions |
Neurophysiology |
2024-34 |
Silverwood, Renee | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2018-11 |
Simms, Lincoln | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2005-88 |
Simon, Joshua | Current |
Neurophysiology |
2017-35 |
Simon, Vasudevan | Current |
Renal |
110 |
Simperingham, Ian | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Respiratory |
2017-56 |
Simpson, Lana | Current |
Cardiac |
2020-16 |
Sinclair, Susan | Current |
Cardiac |
1999-38 |
Singh, Gurdeep | Current |
Renal |
2018-27 |
Singh, Ranjit | Current |
Renal |
2015-426 |
Sinu, Nisha | Current |
Renal |
2022-08 |
Sirikonda, Bhanusri | Current |
Renal |
2021-27 |
Slater, Helen | Current |
Respiratory Sleep |
2021-07 |
Slipper, Deborah | Current |
Cardiac |
2005-96 |
Sloane, Leiana | On hold (Parental Leave) |
Cardiac |
2017-24 |
Smith, Craig | Current |
Cardiac |
1997-15 |
Soares Dias, Luciana | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2015-451 |
Sobitharaj, Jasmine | Current |
Cardiac |
2003-80 |
Sohail, Ajmal | Current |
Cardiac |
2008-233 |
Starling, Gavin | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Sleep |
2020-31 |
Steel, Scarlett | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2022-52 |
Stephenson, Timothy | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Sleep |
2015-433 |
Stevens, Megan | Current |
Cardiac |
2012-316 |
Stevenson, Bridget | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2007-191 |
Stewart, Brittany | Current |
Cardiac |
2020-26 |
Stewart, Kelly | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2019-20 |
Stratton, Matthew | Current |
Exercise |
2017-113 |
Su, Sally | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Respiratory |
2022-24 |
Sudhan, Saritha | Current |
Renal |
133 |
Sullivan, Rachel | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac |
2022-26 |
Sutherland, Jacalin | Current |
Cardiac |
2004-101 |
Sutherland-Norton, Jane | Current |
Neurophysiology |
2017-32 |
Sutton, Nichola | Non-resident - no APC |
Cardiac |
2023-39 |
Tafea, 'Ilaisaane | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2021-46 |
Tait, Sheryl | Current |
Cardiac |
1997-125 |
Tamuno, Edward | Current |
Cardiac |
2020-20 |
Tang, Jenny | Current |
Cardiac |
2002-124 |
Tatkova, Anna | Current |
Cardiac |
2020-06 |
Taylor, Deborah | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Respiratory |
2009-257 |
Taylor, Olivia | Current - with conditions |
Sleep |
2023-10 |
Thaikandy, Shaiju | Current |
Renal |
401 |
Thakker, Roopa | Current |
Respiratory |
2020-27 |
Thangella, Damodara Reddy | Current |
Renal |
106 |
Thankachan, Alphonsa | Current |
Cardiac |
2022-61 |
Thatipelly, Srinivas | Current |
Renal |
2016-036 |
Thimma, Nagaraju | Current |
Renal |
126 |
Thomas, Elisa | Current |
Cardiac |
2018-28 |
Thomas, Sunder | Current |
Renal |
111 |
Tierney, Nadine | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2015-417 |
Tilsley, Catriona | Current |
Cardiac |
2009-269 |
Timmins, Kellie | Current |
Cardiac |
2005-138 |
Todd, Kylie | Current |
Cardiac |
2002-32 |
Tolentino, Kryshia Erika | Current |
Renal |
2018-24 |
Topp, Lindsey-Rose | Current |
Cardiac |
2013-364 |
Torres, Maris Hencel | Current |
Sleep |
2022-09 |
Trevor, Chloe | Current |
Exercise |
2017-100 |
Trudgen, Anita | Current |
Respiratory |
2020-38 |
Tu'Utafaiva-Takau, Sela | Current |
Cardiac |
1997-128 |
Turner, Kelly | Current |
Cardiac |
2003-71 |
Turton, Stephanie | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2014-377 |
Tweddle, Sophia | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac |
2024-06 |
Unamadu, Ifeanyi | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2017-08 |
Uthaiah, Raksha | Current - with conditions |
Respiratory |
2017-27 |
Vajiram, Bharathkumar | Current - with conditions |
Renal |
2024-36 |
van den Ende, Saskia | Current |
Exercise |
2017-119 |
Van Deventer, Lara | Current |
Cardiac |
2018-42 |
van Vugt, Yolanda | Current |
Exercise |
2020-17 |
van Zyl, Janoschka | Current |
Cardiac |
2022-22 |
Varghese, Giby Anna | Non-resident - no APC |
Renal |
2022-57 |
Varghese, Gincemon | No APC |
Renal |
901 |
Varghese, Mathew | Current |
Cardiac |
2012-334 |
Varghese, Vipin | Current |
Renal |
2024-39 |
Varghese Mattathil, Joshy | Current |
Renal |
2022-07 |
Vasudevan, Vinish | Current |
Renal |
503 |
Vavachan, Priyanka | Current |
Cardiac |
2024-27 |
Veeraraghavan, Anthony | Current |
Renal |
303 |
Veitch, Christopher | Current - with conditions |
Sleep |
2024-13 |
Vender, Leigh-Anne | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2005-109 |
Venkataraman, Prabha | Lapsed (> 2 year) | 115 | |
Vijayarangan, Sudharsana | Current |
Renal |
2022-20 |
Vincent, Alfred John | Resigned |
Renal |
107 |
Vitug, Glenn | Current |
Renal |
2018-40 |
Waitai, Waitangi | Current |
Cardiac |
2020-14 |
Walker, Joelene | Current - with conditions |
Respiratory |
2005-110 |
Walker, Julianne | Current |
Sleep |
2006-154 |
Walker, Lara | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2017-02 |
Wallace, Lauren | Current |
Respiratory |
2007-216 |
Wallbutton, Lisa | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Exercise |
2020-05 |
Walsh, Daniel | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2013-357 |
Wang, David | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
Ward, Laura | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2016-008 |
Ward, Lynda | Current |
Neurophysiology |
2017-47 |
Ward, Matthew | Resigned |
Exercise |
2019-05 |
Ward, Sam | Current - with conditions |
Cardiac |
2021-09 |
Ware, Sacha | Current |
Cardiac |
2008-239 |
Weatherby, Liz | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2006-160 |
Webster, Kelly | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Respiratory |
2019-52 |
Weddell, Rachel | Current |
Respiratory |
2015-410 |
Wei, Jason | Current |
Renal |
108 |
Wei, Yongsijia | Current - with conditions |
Sleep |
2024-44 |
Weidemeier, Uta | Resigned |
Exercise |
2017-123 |
Welch, Ryan | Current |
Respiratory |
2016-013 |
Wellington, Kate | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2003-165 |
Were, Cameron | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2021-42 |
Westrupp, Nicole | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Respiratory |
2016-007 |
Whalley, Gillian | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2015-421 |
Whalley, Jacqueline | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2008-243 |
Whayman, Sarah | On hold (Parental Leave) |
Exercise |
2017-118 |
Wheddon, Mark | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2007-220 |
White, Martin | Current |
Cardiac |
2021-41 |
White, Rosemary | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2006-159 |
Whitehouse, Sarah | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2004-34 |
Whiteley, Christine | Resigned |
Cardiac |
1997-58 |
Whittington, Jonathan | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Neurophysiology |
2017-38 |
Whyte, Gabrielle | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2012-341 |
Whyte, Lynne | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
Wiebe, Ella | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Respiratory |
2017-26 |
Wiese, Natalja | Current |
Exercise |
2022-48 |
Wiggill, Kathleen | Current |
Cardiac |
2019-28 |
Wilkins, Sydnee | Current - with conditions |
Respiratory |
2023-50 |
Willcock, Helen | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
Williams, Christopher | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2012-321 |
Williams, Mathew | Current - with conditions |
Respiratory |
2021-03 |
Williams, Nadia | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2009-256 |
Williamson, Avis | Current |
Respiratory Cardiac |
2008-234 |
Williamson, Rebecca | Current |
Sleep |
2021-22 |
Wilson, Alexander | Overdue (< 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2022-25 |
Wilson, Anna | Current |
Cardiac |
2001-121 |
Wilson, Cassidy | Current |
Cardiac |
2020-13 |
Wilson, Lisa | Current |
Cardiac |
2005-136 |
Wilson, Stephanie | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2023-13 |
Winchcombe, Jo Ann | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2006-155 |
Winker, Ashley | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2016-027 |
Winter, Susan | Retired |
Cardiac |
1997-41 |
Wise, Annelies | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2017-20 |
Wood, Charlotte | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
Wood, Matthew | Current |
Exercise |
2017-114 |
Woodhouse, Maree | Current |
Cardiac |
2005-76 |
Word, Nicole | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2015-438 |
Wormgoor, Shohn | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Exercise |
2017-139 |
Wright, Andrew | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2006-151 |
Wu, Jessie | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Exercise |
2021-23 |
Wynne, Yvonne | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2015-415 |
Xu, Jane | Current |
Cardiac |
2022-16 |
Yang, Jun | Current |
Respiratory |
2015-409 |
Yang, Yihang | Current |
Exercise |
2022-39 |
Yeadon, Andrew | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2002-30 |
Yeoman, David | Retired |
Cardiac |
1999-22 |
Yeoman, Frances | Resigned |
Cardiac |
2014-392 |
Yin, Saroeun | Current |
Cardiac |
2013-355 |
Youard, Heidi | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
Youard, Jennifer | Current |
Cardiac |
1997-6 |
Young, Laura | Current |
Respiratory |
2018-46 |
Young, Shannon | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2007-182 |
Yousif, Sama | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Sleep |
2010-297 |
Yu, Patrick | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2014-383 |
Zabidin, Yasmin | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2008-230 |
Zander, Samuel | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
2016-003 |
Zealand, Gary | Lapsed (> 2 year) |
Cardiac |
2015-416 |
Zhang, Shirley | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Cardiac |
Zhang, Yifan | Lapsed (> 1 year) |
Exercise |
2021-071 |
Zhu, Geying | Current |
Cardiac |
1999-64 |